EIDA Nodes Datacenters of the European Integrated Data Archive

EIDA nodes are data centers that archive data from seismic networks deploying broad-band sensors, short period sensors, accelerometers, infrasound sensors, and other geophysical instruments. Currently ten nodes are contributing data to EIDA. Nine primary nodes have committed resources to support operation and further development. Data access is standardized across EIDA and nodes may provide additional data services. Visit a node page for detailed information on data access from the respective data center.

Datacenter ID Description and Focus Region Since
ODC - KNMI European-Mediterranean, Netherlands 2013
GFZ European, Global, temporary deployments 2013
RESIF France + Global temporary deployments 2013
INGV Italy, European-Mediterranean (MedNet) 2013
ETHZ Switzerland 2013
BGR Germany 2013
LMU Germany (BayernNetz) 2013
NIEP Romania 2014
KOERI Turkey 2014
NOA Greece 2016
UIB - NORSAR Norway 2019
ICGC Spain 2020
BGS UK 2024