ORFEUS Structure

ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for EUropean Seismology) is a non-profit foundation under Dutch law and is directed by an international Board of Directors and its Executive Committee. The Board of Directors consists of representatives of the Core Participants and Participants by Right ( EMSC, EFEHR, ESC, ISC) and appoints members of the Executive Committee.

Boards and Committees
ORFEUS Board of Directors (BoD) Chair: Anastasia Kiratzi
ORFEUS Executive Committee (ExeCom) President: Angelo Strollo
ORFEUS Secretary General (SG) Carlo Cauzzi Contact the SG by e-mail
ORFEUS Data Center (ODC) Director: Reinoud Sleeman
User Advisory Group (UAG) Chair: Petr Kolinsky
Board of Particpants (BoP)
Members of the EIDA SMC Management Board (EMB) Chair: Christos Evangelidis
Members of the Infrastructure Development Group (IDG) - EIDA Chair: Jonathan Schaeffer
Members of the SM SMC Management Board Co-chairs: John Clinton and Lucia Luzi
Members of the Infrastructure Development Group (IDG) - SM
Members of the MP SMC Management Board Co-chairs: C. Haberland and W. Crawford

Members of the above boards and committees can be found here.