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Management and Structure
European Integrated Data Archive
To cope with new demands on data management as well as to
further extend the services to the seismological community,
ORFEUS revised its data archiving infrastructure and
organization into a coordinated distributed data archive system.
A major component of this is the formal establishment of the
European Integrated Data Archive
(EIDA), officially formed in 2013.
EIDA is organized and managed by the EIDA Management Board
(EMB), which is in effect an ORFEUS working group. Under the
mandate of the ORFEUS Board of Directors and Executive
Committee, the EMB is responsible for the management of EIDA.
Each EIDA node is represented in the EMB. The ETC (EIDA
Technical Commission) operates under the EMB and guarantees EIDA
operations. The EMB and ETC continually address challenges such
as efficient data management, content metadata, quality
maintenance, provenance, and access services in a distributed
network of archives.
The nine primary nodes signed an MoU with ORFEUS in which
they commit to providing continued access to the data in their
archives. Data archives technically connected to the EIDA system
as defined by the EMB, but have not signed a formal agreement
with ORFEUS are termed secondary nodes. Secondary Nodes
are supported by a primary node that guarantees their continued
Becoming an EIDA node
European data centers willing to join EIDA should consult the
application guidelines
and express their interest to the EIDA Management Board.
Board Members
- Christos Evangelidis, NOA (Chair)
- Didem Cambaz, KOERI (Co-Chair)
- Helle Pedersen, RESIF
- John Clinton, ETHZ
- Angelo Strollo, GFZ
- Klaus Stammler, BGR
- Peter Danecek, INGV
- Alexandru Marmureanu, NIEP
- Reinoud Sleeman, ODC - KNMI
- Lars Ottemüller, UIB-NORSAR
- Brian Baptie, BGS
Commission Members
- Jonathan Schaeffer, RESIF (Chair)
- Jarek Bienkowski, ODC - KNMI (Co-Chair)
- Javier Quinteros, Andres Heinloo, Peter Evans, GFZ
- Matthias Hoffmann, BGR
- Stefan Heimers, Philippe Kaestli, Carlo Cauzzi, ETHZ
Massimo Fares, Stefano Pintore, Ivano Carluccio, Emiliano Della Bina, Diego Franceschi, INGV
- Tuğçe Ergün, KOERI
- Cristian Neagoe, Lucian Palangeanu, NIEP
- Kostas Boukouras, NOA
- Jan Michalek, UIB-NORSAR
- Jose Antonio Jara, ICGC
- Richard Luckett, BGS